Monday 7 March 2011

The run that wasn't

Well, you could see how excited I was - but it was not to be.  I managed to get to sleep on the Friday night, but by 1am I was awake and didn't get back to sleep until 3.40am.  Needless to say, when the alarm went off at 5.10 I wasn't happy - and the cold I had developed overnight was not helping.  I made the decision (eventually) to turn off the alarm and go back to sleep.  It was the right decision - I woke again at 9am!

Despite the cold, I felt I needed to get out and pound the streets, so I dragged poor Rich out for an 8.5miler.  I can't remember the last time I ran solidly for 8 miles (we;re always having to stop for stiles or to navigate) on the road!  It was torture.....SOOOOO boring!  I thought canals were bad, but this!  We both complained of knee problems afterwards, and although we were glad we went, we didn't enjoy it one bit!

Sunday we woke intended to do a 17 miler (in order to make up the 25 I missed) but I couldn't keep awake long enough!  In the end we settled for a 8 mile walk over Rivington with the dogs, but when I got home I was straight back to bed again!  Whatever I have, it's making me very very tired.

Legs were aching from running on the road, and even today they're a bit sore.  Madness!  I can do 50 miles on the hills with no bother, but 8 miles on the road and I'm a mess!

Anyway - I am hoping to be fit and well for Elland Back 30 miler next week..... fingers crossed!

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