Monday 28 February 2011

A training run... ok .... only a short one.....

We managed to grab a 40 min run through the woods at Darwin Forest Park in Matlock (Derbyshire).  It was very flat and VERY VERY boggy - but it was out and it was running!  Took my mum (who is a road runner and big cyclist) and she managed to get her pristine road trainers well and truly bogged up!  I had my gaiters on again and am still very impressed.  I've also worked out that I can slip them off easily whilst still attached to my shoe - so that'll make it easier at the end of runs!
Got Troller's Trot on Saturday (25 miles) and I'm hoping my knee is ok - got a bit of pain on the outsides of the knee.  Luckily it was only a short, soft run, and weather permitting me and Rich are gonna go out for another shortish one in the week.

So - that's it really..... not the most exciting week!  Troller's Trot race report will follow!

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