Sunday 2 January 2011

No Hangover from the Hangover.....well....not much!

Slept in the recovery tights last night, and felt good this morning.  Rich's legs are very sore - lots of hobbling up and down stairs - but mine feel great.  Left Achilles is sore to touch (ie I can't wear boots today) but other than that we're fine.  Quads painful if you lean on them with your arms.... so I tried to avoid doing that today.  Very tired, but that lovely tiredness that only comes from a long run.

Finally got my entry sorted for the Fellsman, the entries were supposed to open on 1st Jan, but nothing was evident on the site.  After a couple of emails, I managed to download one today and got the entry in.  £23 is great value for such a fantastic event. if you want to check it out - 61 miles of rough country and very hard navigation!  I'm hoping to recce the night section at some point, but my calendar is filling up!!

Checked the Housman Hundred website today.  I've had my entry confirmed, and I'm glad as they filled up in record time meaning that only LDWA members have been able to enter this year (LDWA members get a month head start before it opens to non-LDWA).  Even the waiting list is full up now!  I always enter these events ridiculously early, but it does pay off. 

Been checking out the maps for next week - the 27th Tandem Run.  It's such an early start that we've decided to get a Travelodge in York so we don't have to be up so early on run morning (it would have meant setting off from home at 4.45am.... so a get up of 4am really for breakfast and dog walk)!  It's the last Tandem, and it sounds like a fun event, so I don't mind the extra expense.  I'm running the 20 mile West circuit, Rich is running the 20 mile East circuit, then we meet up at a village hall to run the last 8 miles together.  Rich is pretty nervous about running the first 20 on his own as he likes me to pace him - so he's set up a training partner on GPS to keep him steady to prevent him burning off and burning out by mile 10! 

So - we're doing the Christmas Cracker (belated...due to the poor weather on the original date of 19th Dec) which is about 15 miles of local walking with a festive pub stop half way.  It's a social with our LDWA club - East Lancashire - so will be lots of fun.  Many of them have done the Fellsman, so I'll be picking their brains throughout!

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